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Resultados de la búsqueda para: "Varios"

El llibre de La Marató. Diabetis i obesitat (Audiolibro en catalán)
El llibre de La Marató. Diabetis i obesitat (Audiolibro en catalán)

Els que han patit la classe de gimnàstica com una tortura sabran de què parlem... O els que lluiten contra el sobrepès també trobaran la seva història... O les persones que dipositen l’esperança en una lleu punxadeta diària s’hi veuran certament reflectides. Desfilaran davant els nostres ulls esbatanats Béla Lugosi, Samuel Beckett, Scarlett O’Hara, l’emperador Marc Aureli, Charlton Heston, el vescomte de Riumost, la millor àvia del món, el Killer de l’Hospitalet, la Carolina i tota la plantilla de Boca Juniors... Perquè escriptors i il•lustradors han creat relats i imatges que descriuen la vida dels afectats per la diabetis i …

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Inglés – Grammar Master: Grammar Practice –Nivel B2-C1
Inglés – Grammar Master: Grammar Practice –Nivel B2-C1
Varios, Dorota Guzik

¿Quieres aprender la gramática del nivel avanzado y usar el inglés sin errores? Aprende con el curso "Inglés – Grammar Master. Grammar Practice – New Edition" que enseña gradualmente todas las formas gramaticales necesarias para comunicarse correctamente en diferentes situaciones. ¿Por qué elegir el curso "Inglés – Grammar Master. Grammar Practice – New Edition "? Para crear oraciones compuestas sin esfuerzo, usar la voz pasiva, los verbos modales o modos condicionales no es suficiente conocer las reglas gramaticales. Es también importante entender la diferencia de uso gramatical y saber en qué contextos aplicar la forma en cuestión. Después simplemente aplicar …

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English. Speaking Master  level B1-C1
English. Speaking Master level B1-C1
Varios, Dorota Guzik

Do you want to improve your style and speak freely in English? Listen & Learn with the “English Speaking Master” course, which will gradually teach you ready communication patterns that are useful in various situations – both in everyday conversations and during business contacts or oral examinations. Why is it worth choosing the “English Speaking Master” course? In order to increase your confidence and speak fluently in a foreign language, you need an appropriate range of vocabulary and stylistic expressions which will make you able to speak without stress in various situations. With the “English Speaking Master” course, you will …

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100 Cuentos Fantásticos de siempre
100 Cuentos Fantásticos de siempre

Clásicos infantiles para los más chicos

French on Holiday: Conversations de vacances
French on Holiday: Conversations de vacances
Varios, Dorota Guzik

This audio course quickly and effectively prepares you for going on holiday. The main aim of the course is to break down the speaking barrier and to master the vocabulary required in various situations on holiday. The course teaches the authentic language used in everyday conversations. All the words and expressions are recorded with translations, which enables easier use of the course and allows for faster mastery and consolidation of the material. A Reading Booklet to be used with the audio lessons is also included in PDF format. This is effective learning, easy and available to everyone. Each lesson contains: …

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Spanish on Holiday: De vacaciones
Spanish on Holiday: De vacaciones
Varios, Dorota Guzik

This audio course quickly and effectively prepares you for going on holiday. The main aim of the course is to break down the speaking barrier and to master the vocabulary required in various situations on holiday. The course teaches the authentic language used in everyday conversations. All the words and expressions are recorded with translations, which enables easier use of the course and allows for faster mastery and consolidation of the material. A Reading Booklet to be used with the audio lessons is also included in PDF format. This is effective learning, easy and available to everyone. Each lesson contains: …

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English Grammar Master: Grammar Tenses B1-C1
English Grammar Master: Grammar Tenses B1-C1
Varios, Dorota Guzik

Do you want to master grammar in order to speak and write in English without errors? Learn with the “English Grammar Master. Grammar Tenses – New Edition” course, which gradually teaches you all the most important tenses and grammatical forms that are necessary for error-free communication in the English language. Why is it worth choosing the “English Grammar Master. Grammar Tenses – New Edition” course? In order to improve your style of expression, it is not enough to know the rules of grammar. It is also important to understand the differences in the uses of tenses and to know in …

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Cuentos infantiles clásicos
Cuentos infantiles clásicos

Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano. La presente narración recoge veinte cuentos infantiles clásicos, para que los disfruten los más pequeños. "Caperucita roja", "El patito feo", "Hansel y Gretel", "Bambi", "Pulgarcito", "La hilandera", "Los tres cerditos", "El flautista de Hamelin", "Peter Pan", "El gato con botas", "Barbazul, "Los cisnes salvajes", "Simbad el marino", "El soldadito de plomo", "El sastrecillo valiente", "Blancanieves", "El duende y el ratón", "Juan sin miedo", "La bella durmiente" y "Pinocho".

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Elementos 13 a 24 de un total de 36
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